Monday, April 6, 2015

Cardboard flower

I didn't plan on my cardboard construction to turn into a flower it just did. I loved how it turned out. Physically, it swishes and is fun to look at. I think eventually I'll glue it on a piece of cardboard and place it on my wall but how it is right now, I really liked how it turned out. I think it'll be fun to place it on my wall and say that by gluing random pieces of cardboard together can really make something that is cool to look at. I made it out of paper towel rolls. I cut it diagonally all the way around and then placed them strategically around a small circular piece of cardboard and it turned out really cool. I then thought well I don't want to see all the glued pieces around a small circle of cardboard so I cute out another circle and placed on top of the glued together pieces and it turned into a flower by accident. However, I like this accident. It was a fun project.

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