Friday, April 3, 2015


This is one of those art projects that I find is important to me. All of the symbols that I used for this project was meant to symbolize me and my life. The middle symbol is a shell that represents my love for the ocean. The added swirls are my favorite thing to doodle. The hearts represent my husband. The diamonds/squares represent my love for reading. I read a lot. The circles represent my wedding day. The corners were just a repeat of the symbols in the main part of my piece.
This project was really hard for me to finish. I didn't quite know where to start. I didn't know what I wanted from the mandala. However, when I finally got started I really loved how it was going and then when I was done I absolutely loved how it turned out. I think the one thing I would have changed would be to start sooner so I didn't have to hurry and end it to submit my assignment. Other than that I really love how my mandala turned out.

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