Thursday, April 2, 2015

Printmaking Project

I really enjoyed this project. It was fun to experiment with the designs on the plastic bags then place them on the paper. This was one of those projects I really enjoyed and made me appreciate art a lot more. This project was important to me because for a while there I had been really stressed about all of my assignments over the past two weeks before doing this. It was a stress reliever for me and made me enjoy art again. It made me realize that I need to relax and enjoy myself sometimes when it comes to homework.
My project went just like I planned it. That is after a lot of practice and failed attempts. However, that's how it's suppose to go with art. :) I would suggest this art project for any age and any time of day or time.
For my first printmaking project I painted the background light blue on water color paper. I used foam stars and a dull pencil to draw out designs on three stars. I then used three different colors on each of the stars to place them on the paper individually. The one thing I should have done would be to let the paint dry first then place the overlapping color on next.
For my second project I used plastic bags and cue-tips to draw designs on the bags then placed them on the water color paper one by one. Again I should have waited a bit longer to have it dry before I placed another plastic bag over the already wet paint. However, I loved how both my projects turned out.

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